Cosmos-energy-informational channals ( FLOWS)
SHORT description
- F-B **** Universal multipurpose channel. Heals all diseases at slow pace Fast recovery from unconsciousness, coma.
& Fills you with positive energy. Gives a good protection. Help to cleanse your body inside and outside. Harmonize you with the environment. Energizes & Activates chakras.
- F-T**** Eliminates problems, & heals inflammations with or without pus, hearing problems .
Cleansing of objects offices, rooms
- Z-S ****Gives great power, force, potency
- S- N ****Heals gallstones, urinary bladder stone , renal and prostate calculus. Gynecological organs problem, cancer of small intestine. & Gives a better life
- K-N **** Heals all Blood disorders. & Gives more understanding between husband and wife
- N-S **** Heals Heart disorders, & Helps to avoid car accident
- S-S **** Heals Ophthalmic disorders & Brings success
- S-M **** Heals Respiratory system sickness, pneumonia, bronchitis. &
Helps with business . Improve relationship at work
- S-B**** Good for hernia, scars, post surgery stitches. & Settle conflicts
- R-R *** Heals Digestive system disorders & Helps with intuition
- S-M**** Good for endocrine disorders. & Helps to overcome laziness
- S-J **** HealsFever, laryngitis, cold throats; blood pressure comes to normal. &
Cure broken heart, helps to have a good family
- M-I**** Information on Earth (mind sphere), & develop vision
- G-P **** Protection for car, house, any belongings. Protection from natural disasters